WCU receives ADP Chairman’s Award of Excellence

The Area Development Partnership presented its “2024 Chairman’s Award of Excellence” to William Carey University on Dec. 6 during its annual meeting at Thad Cochran Center. The award honors a community leader and/or business that has exceeded expectations for time and effort devoted to the ADP during the previous year.

“It was my pleasure to select William Carey University as the recipient of the 2024 ADP Chairman’s Award of Excellence. Dr. Burnett and his team have been extremely dedicated to helping the ADP carry out its vision and mission,” said ADP Board Chairman Roman Galey.

“They are dedicated ADP members and Partnership Foundation Investors, and they have sponsored an array of events on campus at Carey and throughout the community. We can always count on Dr. Burnett for his unwavering support of the ADP – including serving on our board of directors.”

The luncheon meeting also included a talk from internationally known keynote speaker Damon West, author of “The Coffee Bean: A Simple Lesson to Create Positive Change.”

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