The Cross Cultural Business Management degree at William Carey is a unique program which equips students with the necessary business skills to enter the private sector as well as the theological, missiological, and cultural knowledge necessary to be career missionaries. Topics covered in the program include Business and Economic Statistics, International Marketing, Global Supply Chain Management, Applied Anthropology, Theology, and more.

Program Overview


A minimum of 120 credit hours is required to obtain a B.S.B. in Cross Cultural Business Management. This involves core curriculum hours and 78-81 degree-specific hours.

Delivery Method

All classes for a degree in Intercultural Studies are delivered in-person at our Hattiesburg Campus.

Missions internships are completed with the ministry or missions partner of the student's choice, with faculty approval.

Applicant Prerequisites & Requirements

Prospective students must:

Meet all undergraduate admissions requirements of the University

Complete an online application 

Submit official transcripts via eScript or mailed from the institution

Have a minimum high school GPA of 2.0 and a minimum score of 20 on the ACT or 1030 on the SAT

Required Classes

Business Requirements

Principles of Accounting I and II, Legal Environment of Business I, Business and Economic Statistics, Serve learning for Business, Microcomputer Applications, Principles of Marketing, Business Communication, Managerial Finance, International Management, Global Supply Chain Management, Small Business Management, Principles of Economics I and II.

Religion Requirements

Applied Anthropology, Biblical Hermeneutics, Intercultural Field Experience, Principles and Practices of Missions, Systematic Theology I and II, Entrepreneurial Missions, World Religions, Race, Cultural, and the Church, and Intercultural Studies Internship.

Career Outlooks

Students in the Cross Cultural Business Management program are equipped with the necessary business skills to enter the private sector as well as with the theological, missiological, and cultural knowledge necessary to be a career missionary.

Attempt Great Things

We would love the opportunity to help you prepare for whatever ministry God might call you into, while also helping you reach your professional goals.