William Ward as seen by his colleagues.


Rev. William Carey D.D.

'Brother Ward has such a facility of addressing spiritual things to the heart, and his thoughts run so naturally in that channel, that he fixes the minds of all who hear him on what he says, while I, after making repeated efforts, can scarcely get out a few dry sentences, and should I meet with a rebuff at the beginning, sit, like a silly mute, and scarcely say anything at all.'


Rev. Joshua Marshman D.D.

'I never did anything, I never published a page,
without consulting him.'

'The work for which God pre-eminently raised up our brother, was evidently that of printing the Scriptures in India. The twentieth version of the New Testament in the languages of India printed under his eye, had advanced to the book of Revelation at the time of our beloved brother's removal; and we believe it has been granted to few men in the church of God, ever to print the New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in twenty languages spoken among the heathen. For the preparation of all those founts of types which they required, and most of which had never before been seen in India, was his thorough knowledge of the art, his nice discernment, his assiduity, his indefatigable diligence, his love for the cause of the Redeemer, and the souls of the heathen, peculiarly suited.'


John Clark Marshman

'Ward was particularly distinguished by an amiable and affectionate disposition. He had neither the ardour and elasticity of Joshua Marshman, nor the dogged perseverance of William Carey; but he possessed great aptitude for business, great clearness of perception, and untiring industry. He surpassed his colleagues in a knowledge of the character and habits of the natives, and few Europeans have ever been so successful in managing them. He spoke Bengali with the fluency and ease of a native, and was thus enabled to acquire a powerful influence over the people. He commanded the attention of a native audience by the flow of his language and his apt allusion to their habits, feelings and allegories.'

Portrait of Carey courtesy Serampore College; cut-out silhouette portrait of Marshman courtesy Derby Local Studies Library.
Portrait of John Clark Marshman reproduced with the kind permission of BMS World Mission (formerly the Baptist Missionary Society).

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