
The General Baptist Chapel building still exists on Brook Street but has been converted into a high-class restaurant and wine bar. Brook Street refers to Markeaton Brook, which flows between Agard Street and Brook Street.

Brook Street was built on Nun's Green, and is within yards of where the first General Baptist sermon was preached by the Rev. Dan Taylor, on Willow Row, on the 31st May, 1789. It was in this chapel that the Rev J. D. G. Pike so successfully preached, and where he heard the news of the Serampore Fire.

The congregation later moved to St, Mary's Gate, and then to Broadway, where it is today. The building became a Methodist Chapel, before falling into disrepair. This year it opened as a high-class restaurant and wine bar called 'Masa' after a restoration costing over £1million.

A copyright engraving of the General Baptist Chapel in Brook Street, reproduced courtesy Derby Local Studies Library.


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